Stained Concrete Floors Arkansas
When searching for stained concrete floors in Arkansas, many people don't know where to begin. If you've never done it before, you'd probably be best leaving it to a professional. The answer depends on several factors, including your level of expertise, your budget, and your needs. Also, how much do you care about the floor in question? For instance, would you be okay if the design turns out less-than-favorably? Also, are you an individual looking to stain your concrete garage floor? Or are you a company wanting to stain the concrete floor in your factory?
If you dont have the expertise to ensure a job done right and a beautiful finished product, then Southern Floor Coating can help. We can help you select the best products for your project and even stain your floors for you so long as you live in Arkansas. Feel free to call and discuss your project with a professional.
Should You Stain Your Concrete Floor?
First, we need to test your concrete surface to make sure it is suitable for staining. Floors that have been sealed in the past may not be good candidates for staining. We'll test the surface with about a cup of water and see if the floor absorbs the water. If it doesn't absorb the water, it likely has been sealed in the past and would not be a candidate for staining.
Assuming that your concrete floor is a good candidate for staining, we'll do a stain sample test. Using a sponge, we'll apply a small amount of stain on your floor. We'll rub it in good and let it sit for about 30 minutes, after which, we will rub with a white cloth to see if the stain comes up. If the stain comes up, then we will need to etch the concrete before staining it.
Most slabs are porous enough for a one-coat stain application, but since we will be doing some design work, we'll need to etch it to ensure that we have plenty of porosity. We'll need to make sure that floor is clean and free of any debris. This involves scraping your floor and thoroughly cleaning it with an abrasive chemical degreaser. Once clean and free of debris, we'll then rinse the floor and let it dry.
Consider Hiring a Pro
It should be noted that the process of creating a stained concrete floor is tedious, as most of the work is in floor preparation. Still, every step must be followed painstakingly, or you risk ruining the finish. Further, you must not allow the stain to dry on the surface of the concrete if you want it to become part of the concrete.
After applying the first coat, you should only apply a second coat if you know that you have enough porosity. To create designs without saw cutting, we can use medium adhesion masking tape to create the design once the first coat of stain has dried. Then, we can apply a second coat directly over the masking tape and remove the tape once the second coat has dried.
Stained Concrete Floors Arkansas